Visualization in wright’s Extreme Martial Arts

When you close your eyes, what do you see? What are the pictures that come to your mind? Here’s a quick experiment: Think of any image you want to see, and THEN close your eyes. Maybe you picture yourself  accepting the trophy for a major martial arts competition. Maybe you visualized meet ing your favorite Martial Artist. No matter what image you held in your mind, you just practiced an excersize called visualization. Visuallization is about building positive actions out of the positive images you create in your mind.

Learning to create a positive visualization is an important part of a Black Belt program. Champions in any sport or endeavor have mastered the art of visualization. It’s a way to program the mind for success by actively imagining success every step of the way.

Visualization is really just a form of concentration. It’s a technique used long before you face your opponent (or any crucial situation). Because visualizationis meant to cultivate positive mental images, it is similar to daydreaming, with one important difference. when we daydream, our minds wander from image to image. With visualization, the ”dream” is under our control. We shape images in order to make those images become a reality. By creating images of success and repeating them, we harness the power of the mind and bring greater power to the body. It’s simple: if you picture yourself enjoying victory, you’re more likely to live that experience when you compete.

Visualization does’nt come without effort. Like every aspect of training, it is a skill that improves with practice. Applying yourself to positive visualization can add a valuable dimension to your overall improvment as a martial artists.

Anyone who sets goals will come up against obstacles that may slow progress. Visualization can help you overcome these obstacles. Whenever you feel frustrated or disappointed, visualize the mmoments of triumph that attaining Black Belt will bring. You can be sure of that every time you visualize victory, you will be bringing yourself one step closer to achieving  it

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